Supergirl's Kara (Melissa Benoist) desperately needs someone to pull her
out of her Red Kryptonite hangover blues, and it turns out that The Flash may be
exactly who she's looking for.When Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) heads to National
City in Monday's highly anticipated Flash-Supergirl crossover, Benoist says,
he's going to be instrumental in helping Kara out of her po如何申請商標台中st-meltdown
funk."[Barry] just reminds her that it's always better to work together and that
things take time. You have to have patience," Benoist tells "He
comes to National City at a time when the city is turned against her and doesn't
trust her as a hero. He teaches her to really keep at it and never give up."But
the adventure won't be all pep talks. There will also be some competition
between Supergirl and the Scarlet Speedster. "It's pure fun to watch those two
characters together. There's商標申請類別 a healthy rivalry. They're allies," Benoist says.
"He's been doing it longer than she has, so he definitely has some wisdom to
impart on her."Together, Barry and Kara will face off against Livewire (Brit
Morgan) and the Silver Banshee (Italia Ricci). Barry's experience with
meta-humans in his own dimension will come in handy in taking down the terrible
twosome. "[Kara] really just started [fighting crime]," Benoist says. "[Barry]
has dealt with similar versions of all the villains that Kara has faced. He
really can relate to all of it. That's part of what he is teaching her."